Category: ecommerce

A great deal of effort is being spent on customer experience and user experience that misses the point, experience is about desire, not process or fulfilment. Desire drives behaviour Thomas Hobbes (1588–1679) proposed the concept of psychological hedonism, which asserts that the “fundamental motivation of all human action is the desire for pleasure”. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1588–1679) claimed that “self-consciousness Read More

Statistics for e-Commerce can be split between two contrasting and not necessarily companion aspects. There are statistics of success in terms of market development, profile or response through hit or link ratings, and secondly there are statistics of sales or revenue. Dependant upon the purpose of a company’s e-commerce deployment one or other but rarely Read More

The following is a paper I wrote in 2005. New Version Here. Converting browsers to buyers: exploring what drives consumer choice in internet e-commerce Why do internet users behave as they do, are their activities solely determined by website design? Or do they create their own pathways as a response to designated systems. For many, Read More