Tag: agency

Speaking at UCD2014 Conference, Saturday 24th October at the Kings Fund in London Exploring the challenges and opportunities of globalisation and commoditisation in Enterprise User Experience EUX This short session will go into the key concepts of Enterprise User Experience and the efficiencies and challenges that it brings. Can user experience be globalised as a Read More

A UX portfolio shows the candidate is a thief and the interviewer opens a legal claim against them for viewing confidential information. The request for UX portfolios are what happens when graphic designers end up in charge of a UX department. In graphics, most things get published in the public domain so it’s completely fine Read More

Like my last post How to Hire a Head of User Experience this post is not intended to supersede the experience of a really good HR or employment agency person but to bring clarity around the differences in the roles. A Director of User Experience is not really the next level on the business ladder for a Read More

Head of anything is evocative of responsibility, power and knowledge, but what does Head of User Experience (UX) really mean and how do you know if your getting one? User experience in its value and effectiveness is geographical and sector based, that is to say it means different things to different people by country, by Read More

2011/01/27 – Published User experience has in recent years become the greatest area of fraud and theft in business. Because the output documents appear simple huge numbers of people without any formal knowledge of what goes into them are having a go. Avoid designers, look for Architects and Consultants, with an MSc and good client references Read More