Tag: banking

I’m looking for my next adventure, it may be an odd way to describe work, but for me I love what I do for a living. Simply I solve complex people, business, product, process and engagement problems, I try to make the world a better place. I also create great jobs for other people and have Read More

The world of finance and wealth provides unique problems for the UCD UX consultant, this short session will describe some of them, how to circumvent them and how UCD UX can make a critical difference to the project’s success. Missing a couple of slides. YouTube Video of Slides: http://youtu.be/EJ3GiWoSFjk I will publish the video of Read More

A great deal of effort is being spent on customer experience and user experience that misses the point, experience is about desire, not process or fulfilment. Desire drives behaviour Thomas Hobbes (1588–1679) proposed the concept of psychological hedonism, which asserts that the “fundamental motivation of all human action is the desire for pleasure”. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1588–1679) claimed that “self-consciousness Read More

Every dollar spent on UX brings in between $2 and $100 dollars in return. This is gained by spending on UX not making things look pretty, it’s not graphics its making the product, service or information system meet the business KPI’s and the customers expectations, desires and needs. Forrester Research finds that “implementing a focus Read More

I have been involved in project and program management since 1989 across various sectors and more recently have been focused in banking and finance. I have experience in Prince and Agile methodologies and will expand on the blending of these two methods through the use of user stories (a user experience method) and the positive relationship Read More

Information Architecture IA Information Architecture (IA) entities like cells A simple website may only include 8 top level pages, 50 secondary and perhaps only 300 tertiary labelled (taxonomy) navigation elements, that’s only 358 entities. However IA tends to be associated with the structure and classification of websites, intranets and software that accesses in excess of Read More

Banking change management UCD insights There has been massive change management taking place across all sectors of British banking over the last three years. Much of this is driven by buy outs and mergers, some by efficiencies and a little more recently through questioning the nature and controls around risk management. However simply changing the Read More