Tag: user stories

Agile User Stories come from UX I have been involved in Agile for a very long time, mainly because it uses methods from the human computer interaction scientific process (CHI/HCI). I’m surprise no one else has blogged about the use of CHI/HCI processes in Agile before, but though I should say something as I keep Read More

Banking change management UCD insights There has been massive change management taking place across all sectors of British banking over the last three years. Much of this is driven by buy outs and mergers, some by efficiencies and a little more recently through questioning the nature and controls around risk management. However simply changing the Read More

2011/02/02 – Published Getting the requirements right It is an understood factor in travel that if the journey starts even half a degree wrong then the final destination will be considerably different from where the person intended to be, this is for many why there is a make do culture when working with technology requirements. Unfortunately Read More