Category: UCD

Head of anything is evocative of responsibility, power and knowledge, but what does Head of User Experience (UX) really mean and how do you know if your getting one? User experience in its value and effectiveness is geographical and sector based, that is to say it means different things to different people by country, by Read More

Banking change management UCD insights There has been massive change management taking place across all sectors of British banking over the last three years. Much of this is driven by buy outs and mergers, some by efficiencies and a little more recently through questioning the nature and controls around risk management. However simply changing the Read More

Subsistence, Resolution, Gain or Advantage UX? What do clients require, what are clients getting and can they tell the difference in the level of ux or do they just not call again? There is a major problem with user experience as it evolves, many practitioners are not underwriting their output with recent ux research but are Read More

Doing user experience The first step in user experience needs to be the recognition that every problem is different and will require a separate solution. Because if they are not, then every business is the same which they are clearly not. In effect there is no quick fix or standard solution method but rather there Read More

User centred design (UCD) User centred design (UCD) is a project approach that puts the intended users (audience) of a product or piece of technology at the centre of its research, design and development. It does this by talking directly to the user at key points in the project to make sure the product or Read More

Definition of User Experience (UX) User experience (UX) is about how a person feels, appropriates, attributes and the emotions engendered when thinking about using a product, system or service. User experience highlights the experiential, affective, meaningful and valuable aspects of human interaction and ownership. It also includes a person’s perceptions (driven from a subject expert/specific Read More

2011/03/28 – Published I have just been confirmed as a Fellow of the British Computer Society.  Thanks to all my supporters. Additionally I have joined BCS ELITE Group (Effective Leadership in Information Technology) in order to progress the professional agenda of user experience. BCS ELITE Group   Read More

2011/03/07 – Published FAQ’s are no longer relevant FAQ’s are very much vested in intranet thinking, that assumes if users want help they work for us and know the terminology and have similar tasks / goals to other users on the internal net. Websites conversely support users from every experience of life, who while focused on Read More

2011/03/04 – Published UCD requirements gathering There are lots ways to elicit UCD requirements so I don’t intend on listing them all here, what I will note are some of the effective ways that I utilise. They can be described as structured, unstructured or a mixture of the two, but importantly the methods produce differing depth Read More

2011/01/20 – Published User centered design (UCD) is a project approach that puts the intended users (audience) of a product or piece of technology at the centre of its research, design and development. It does this by talking directly to the user at key points in the project to make sure the product or piece of Read More

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