Karl Smith is fairly eclectic in his engagement with work and the wide skills he has developed over the years. His educational background includes a Social Sciences including Psychology and Social Anthropology, Industrial and Craft Design, Education and Enterprise Computer Science. He has been recognised for his eminence in Human Centered Design and Business Leadership by the British Computer Society with a Fellowship (FBCS). Karl is dedicated to finding solutions to everyday human problems and would not describe himself as a technologist. He has invented several research methodologies now in common use including Ethnographics as a short form version of Ethnography but for contextual usability. He has also invented Artificial Intelligence and Twin Blockchain technologies for the UbiNET Platform a ubiquitous platform and system to deliver Smart Living, for humanity Karl is a consultant working though Agile World Inc. since 1989 that is focused on augmentation of existing companies or helping startups mature and is one of the four founders of Wipro Digital.
Karl Smith is a technology key opinion leader (KOL) with a focus on ecosystems in infrastructures and has been involved in the 5G Forum since 2016. His blog has been going since 2001 and averages 500-600,000 views a year, he has 19,880 followers on LinkedIn, 40,000 on Twitter. Karl was a volunteer in support of the recent Agile20Reflect Festival taking overarching responsibility for technology as CTO to upskill other volunteers and do the lift and shift from the old to the new web presence. He is now involved with Access Agile with the Access Agile Innovation Forum and the set up of the Access Agile Foundation. Karl has published several books including, Designing for Human Experience, a short guide to Agile Transformation and been one of ten Authors on Agile an Unexpected Journey. He is currently working on several other books including a short guide to Customer Experience, a short guide to Human Stagnation 1920 to 2020 100 years of stasis and a short guide to Agile World the untold story. He has always been fascinated by how technology can augment the lives of humans;
My desire was not to build things that humans already do but to find out how technology could evolve our human experience.
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/karlsmith2/
I get around quite a bit, if my knowledge can help I’m very happy to share it. If your looking for knowledgeable people to speak please ask, there are limitations on my commercial work in terms of what I may discuss or even reference however I have set up an anonymised project site here https://karlsmith.work/.
HCI Webinar: HCM Software and “Agile” versus “Ways of Working”, with Karl Smith Apr 16, 2021.
Has your organization embraced agile? How does that connect with your Human Capital Management systems and software? Check out this 30-minute conversation with Karl Smith about the current crop of HCM software and whether they enable or disable new ways of working and agile. On YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEarGmgn23o on Podcast https://www.innovativehumancapital.com/podcast/episode/1e5cb520/s16e20-hcm-software-and-agile-versus-ways-of-working-with-karl-smith
The Agile Confessional – Episode 14, Karl Smith Feb, 2021
Agile transformation: Faster, smarter and responsive marketing 02 Dec, 2020
Karl Smith, Polymath, Influencer, Authority UX UI, AI, IoT & Founder Human-Centered Design Society Nov 28, 2020
Imagine If The Way We Now Live Became Redundant Aug 26, 2020
June 5, 2019
Enterprise Agility the Customer Revolution, AgileFest, 12 Feb 2019
DIGIT Leader 2018, Scotland’s Annual IT & Digital Summit
21 June 2018 Our Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh
The role of DevOps in business transformation
– Why DevOps: core principles and where they can help
– Next generation of DevOps; customer, business, finance, change, IT
– Vertical slicing; an enterprise enabler
– Transformation; hearts and minds with skills and delivery
Blockchain Friend or Foe
October 2018 – MIPIM . Is Blockchain the new Doomsday Book, will it make every property unique and will that fundamentally change the property business? Will Blockchain aid the secondary data economy around property or create brand new new opportunities?
Speaker – The Treachery of the News (Fake News)
Nov 2017 at The House of Lords, London, United Kingdom
Fake news is in the news!
Roger Ailes, Founder, Chairman and CEO of Fox News, is quoted as saying, “Truth is whatever people will believe“. Back in 1968, Arthur C Clarke recognised the hunger people have for a certain type of news when he scripted, “The newspapers of Utopia, he had long ago decided, would be terribly dull” and went on, “The more wonderful the means of communication, the more trivial, tawdry, or depressing its contents seemed to be” which might possibly reflect today’s situation.
Our expert Panel
Karl Smith, CEO Agile World
Karl is a partner-level enterprise consultant working globally as holistic transformation consultant more involved with how humans have to use technology than the technology itself. He has a focus on work that involves complex non-digital and digital cultural change (agile DevOps), high volume transaction processes, self-service systems and automation including CX, FinTech and IoT3. Karl is a digital and social media key opinion leader and author of articles on enterprise transformation and change. He is also an inventor of open network ecosystem protocol UbiNET, for SmartLiving which he has patented.
James Carson, Head of SEO and Social Media, The Telegraph
James has worked in publishing and media organisations throughout his career, including Bauer Media, Factory Media and now The Telegraph. He is a regular industry speaker and white paper writer on digital publishing strategy. This experience has given him a unique insight into distribution on digital platforms and how content and news spreads within them.
Adi Gaskell, Director of Innovation, Inogesis
Adi is an experienced innovation writer and consultant who has worked with organisations such as Deloitte, GSK, Salesforce, the NHS and the Ministry of Defence. In addition to consulting, he writes on innovation for wide variety of publications, including Forbes, the BBC, the Huffington Post and the LSE Business Review.
Customer Experience in IoT and Blockchain interview with Karl Smith
Digital Transformation 2017, 23rd Feb at Our Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh
Digital Transformation is about People
Digital is about People, not technology. Digital is a response to the desire of people to focus their lives towards quick and easy tasks, simplify processes and utilise their time in micro experiences. The challenge for Digital Transformation is to not get trapped in limiting technology solutions but to really meet the desire of people to have less stress, highly engaging and focused experiences with shorter duration’s while maintaining quality and accountability.
Prioritise creating highly engaging, positive experiences
Focus on the simplification of process
Avoid getting trapped in limiting technology solutions
Ensure transformation strategy is evidence-led
Understand the relationship between culture, people & process
IoT in Retail 28 Oct 2016
Takeaways from IoT in Retail Pioneers & Early Adopters – Panel Session
UCD2016 Conference, Being Human 15 Oct 2016
IoT Design Principals – Panel Session
SXSW Interactive 2016
Cognition Clash in The Internet of Things
The Internet of Things is the next great opportunity for commerce to engage with business enterprises. However there is no unified approach to the mental load between physical interaction, mental interaction and digital interaction. This cognitive landscape is inhabited by associated experiences that gel human behaviour and machine interfaces through, touch, mouse and keyboard. The usage of sight, voice and thought create new complexities and risks which have until recently been the subject of defence technologies, where clear outcomes and prescribed mental models exist. The diversification of these touch points and multi-point human logic models clash and derail human thinking patterns.
St Andrews University
Enabling Client Communications
There is a huge and complex social psychology to managing client engagements effectively. Merely presenting actionable solutions that have valid data to back them up is not enough for clients. They become lost with the simplest of justifications and proof often focusing factors of little importance to the end users. In this talk I will offer some meeting navigation concepts that will enable people to facilitate client meetings, establish and reach defined outcomes and establish clear dialog and interaction methods.
UCD2015 Conference
Humanity in Digital Landscapes: Mind, Cognition & Psychology
Committee Member
October 23rd to 24th of October 2015
UCD2015 Program
Workshop on Cognition Clash in The Internet of Things – Designing for Chaos and Crash
UCD2014 Conference
Committee Chairman
October 24th to 25th of October 2014
UCD2014 Program
Speaking on Exploring the challenges and opportunities of globalisation and commoditisation in Enterprise User Experience EUX
UCD2013 Conference
Program Chair
Website Developer
London 8th to 9th of November 2013
Technology: Why there’s no longer an off switch
April 11th 2013
Why User Experience on Vimeo
NextGen SCADA Europe
21st of March 2013
HMI & Mobile Workforce: Optimising the human machine interface for a range of devices as data volumes increase and operations staff become increasingly mobile.
Accenture Connected World – NextGen SCADA Smart Grid on Vimeo
UCD2012 Conference
Technical Chair
Saturday 10th November 2012
User centred design within investment banking and wealth management: The world of finance and wealth provides unique problems for the UCD practitioner, this short session will describe some of them, how to circumvent them and how UCD can make a critical difference to the projects success.