Tag: UCD

I have for many years battled the collective ignorance of business people, sales people and engineers attempting to get them to understand User Experience (UX), User Centred Design (UCD) and Creative Visual Design, then it came to me few years ago they will never understand, but they will want the benefits. Framed in that way Read More

The world of finance and wealth provides unique problems for the UCD UX consultant, this short session will describe some of them, how to circumvent them and how UCD UX can make a critical difference to the project’s success. Missing a couple of slides. YouTube Video of Slides: http://youtu.be/EJ3GiWoSFjk I will publish the video of Read More

Every dollar spent on UX brings in between $2 and $100 dollars in return. This is gained by spending on UX not making things look pretty, it’s not graphics its making the product, service or information system meet the business KPI’s and the customers expectations, desires and needs. Forrester Research finds that “implementing a focus Read More

Agile User Stories come from UX I have been involved in Agile for a very long time, mainly because it uses methods from the human computer interaction scientific process (CHI/HCI). I’m surprise no one else has blogged about the use of CHI/HCI processes in Agile before, but though I should say something as I keep Read More

Banking change management UCD insights There has been massive change management taking place across all sectors of British banking over the last three years. Much of this is driven by buy outs and mergers, some by efficiencies and a little more recently through questioning the nature and controls around risk management. However simply changing the Read More

2011/03/04 – Published UCD requirements gathering There are lots ways to elicit UCD requirements so I don’t intend on listing them all here, what I will note are some of the effective ways that I utilise. They can be described as structured, unstructured or a mixture of the two, but importantly the methods produce differing depth Read More

2011/02/10 – Published People focused Capturing requirements is subject to other peoples availability, this remains one of the most painful parts of the process as few participants seem to understand just how important their experience is to the project. Often a participant can shape the final output without realising they have done so, I include a Read More

2011/02/09 – Published International Standards International projects should be constructed in consideration of the most stringent standards this is expected to be those pertaining to the USA, but also to include ISO9241 guidelines; Australia Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission – http://www.hreoc.gov.au/ The Act provides key legal standards which inform their Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/cth/consol_act/dda1992264). Read More

2011/02/02 – Published Getting the requirements right It is an understood factor in travel that if the journey starts even half a degree wrong then the final destination will be considerably different from where the person intended to be, this is for many why there is a make do culture when working with technology requirements. Unfortunately Read More